Saturday, February 2, 2008

I Hereby Declare February to be...

Finish it Up Month!!!!

How, oh how, have I created so many knitting UFO's in such a short amount of time?! I am spending this evening trying to locate all the started projects and match them to their patterns. So patterns are missing, so projects are mislaid. By tomorrow, I hope to have everyone matched with his partner, so I can spend the rest of the month finishing up some of the quickies.

Off the top of my head, I have OTN:


Christmas house scene
Palm tree
February mystery KAL (at least I'm up to date on this one!)
Squirrel KAL from November


One row handspun in navy blue for DH for Christmas
YO/Drop stitch ribbon scarf for co-worker
Alpaca basket weave in white
Long stripes green & tan

Other stuff:

Red mini Christmas stocking
Purple & pink (to-be) felted bag
Blue homespun baby blanket
Cat toy made of fun fur
Ribbed black scarf to be blocked
Tan fun-fur scarf that needs ends weaved in

Keep in mind that this is just the stuff I can remember or see from here. Figure there might be a few more laying around too. Sigh. Ok, enough moping. Let's see if I can finish at least half of these before March 1. Luckily, we get an extra day in February this year!


Granny Bird said...

Why do you work on so many projects at the same time?

Unknown said...

I am glad to see someone with more projects on the needles than me!! I wish you much success in meeting your goals.