Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sale at the LYS

Yesterday, the local yarn shop had a sale celebrating its third anniversary. I managed to help stimulate the economy to the tune of..... no, I dare not say.... Anyway, here's the haul:

Thursday, April 10, 2008

How the Kitty Pi starts out

The kitty pi starts out on three double pointed needles. Once the stitch number reaches 144, I transfer to one circular needle. Then the tedious part - knitting 30 rounds, followed by a row with 12 (?) decreases, then another 12 rounds plain, and another 5+ rounds with the fun fur.
Note: that little blue string is my stitch marker - just a piece of cotton yarn.

Cotton claims the second kitty pi

Now that I can post photos again, I will have to get a better shot. Cotton looks so cute when he's curled up asleep in his kitty pi.

Can I post a photo today?

This is the second kitty pi after felting.